Bareh Solok ( Solok Rice)

Solok town is small and beautiful city. On the plus again with the location of rice fields Bareh Solok quite charming. plots that lie vast fields of green rice, and fruit that started to turn yellow like gold, which were scattered, menanbah beauty of the city's face. when paddy green, like a prairie town of Solok landscaped area, the rice fields that spread out like a ladder that neatly arranged. And when the fruit of the rice yellow, then scattered like gold. So this city was named by the Solok town of Bareh.

With the best quality. Bareh Solok very famous for its quality and taste incredible. When people go to the town of Solok, really lose if you do not eat Bareh Solok, that said people who visited the town of Solok. Bareh gift is very famous for its quality and taste incredible.
Solok City is a small town, which consists of two sub : deep sub sikarah and kecamatan cape hope. In addition, the town of Solok is located in a very strategic location. The city is located in the center of traffic / city intersection, that is easy to reach from all fronts because we will go wherever it must pass through this city. Because is located mid-town traffic.

If you visit the town of Solok, then Have a look when the rice is yellow, because in addition to enjoying the delicious taste of rice, you can also enjoy the gift of a yellow because the yellow rice, like a carpet of gold that so tempting.

All of us would care about our bodies, and in order to keep themselves certainly do not Hannya with diligent bathing, medication and exercise, but the most important thing is the food we eat. yakninya staple food (rice). So do not eat carelessly rice, rice truly qualified and quality. And to answer the needs that then Bareh Solok is the answer. Bareh Solok is assured about the quality and taste. No one can match it. Whether in the form of taste, color and quality. so Bareh Bareh Solok be the best in Indonesia, even in the world. but so in pity, because there are still many who do not know with this information.

(Kota solok adalah kota kecil dan indah yang menghasilkan beras berkualitas tinggi )

Apparently not Hannya taste, the color was very interesting, like a white pearl in the ocean floor, clear eyes like a girl. plus more at a price not much different from the others. Yet in terms of quality is much better than the other. Of course this will increasingly be added value for Bareh Solok itself.

When you want to get it, then do not have hard-hard to get it, you can buy it in stores or in the market town of gift or you can get it through an agent or distributor directly Bareh Solok.